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A Case Study


Let's read a story.1 to see how this package is inspired 🔥

Getting a New Job

In the year 2055, a guy named Travis Umbrella.2 become the Manager of LightSpeed Investment under the Department of Data Management. At that time, Travis is in his forties, and he studies Economics back in college. Previously, he works as the Manager under the Department of Investment. Well, he is an adventurous person and dare to try something new, so when opportunities come, he decided to advance in the field of managing data to get some new perspective in his work.

In fact, Travis works in a weird company where the company makes investment in a weird way but with a high return. The company gives stocks to the employee so that they can sell in stock markets. around the world.3

For each employee, they can only receive one type of stock like Google GOOG, but they are allowed to sell in a few markets such as New York Stock Exchange NYSE and Hong Kong Stock Exchange HKSE. Travis does not concern with whether the employee can make money or not or how many stocks each employee received since it is not part of his job.

Every month, Travis needs to submit a report for auditing where he needs to track down the employees stock holding type and the market that they sell their stock. Well, LightSpeed Investment is a fast-moving company, where employees come and go. So at the end of the month when Travis submits his report he has to make sure that employees that resigned should not be included in his report.

Time For Action

For Travis to complete his report he would first need to get hold of the stocks' data that are traded by the firms' employees in worldwide stock markets. He then stored the transactions record for each stock market in an individual file. Since there is no well-build system for the data collection, each of the file looks different, some contains more columns than the other, some with missing information such as employees' name and some even contains wrong employee IDs and outdated information.

Travis realizes that he would need some other data to validate his collected data, so he reached out to his friend, James Claude Diamond from the Fake Human Resources Department4 to get the latest copy of the staff data where it contains the staff's assigned stocks and stock market that they can sell their stock. He also compiles a copy of checklist data by himself to match up the stock code and stock market code to their respective stock name and stock market name.

Think Different

Travis is good at math and logical thinking, so he knows for resigned employees their names will not be in the staff dataset. In fact, what he will do is he will match the staff ID from the stock market data he collected with the staff data to obtain information as follows:

  • The staff's name
  • The staff's assigned stock
  • The staff's status (resigned or not)
  • The staff's cube5

That approach, allows him to work quickly to compile the data he collects from the stock markets, what he will do then, is to create files for each stock category to see where they are traded around the world - of course with a nice looking template before submitting for audit review after the quarter ends!

  1. The case study is purely a creative endeavor and should not be interpreted as a representation of reality. Any opinions, beliefs, or ideologies expressed within the story do not reflect those of the author or any other entity mentioned herein. 

  2. This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. 

  3. It is year 2055, the markets and the world might look different that what we see today. 

  4. In this human resource department, the staff uses a generator to generate fake identities for the staff 

  5. Cube is a special code available to some staffs when they sell their stock, In the concepts page, checklist 2, you can see that each code will correspond to a movie name. 

Last update: 2023-09-07
Created: 2023-09-02