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Package Concepts 🧠


Let's continue to explore on how Travis solved his problems at work 💡

Travis Umbrella Thinks Differently

Check What You Have

Let's take a look at the data that Travis is able to gather before starting to compile everything. He currently has a copy of staff data, checklist data (contains abbreviations references used firm wide) and the raw data from the stock markets.

Note: The below list shows only a portion of the data

LAN ID Name Email Department
R2J0PNN64H944P26B Vanessa Sanchez Google
95F33XSJ5HEK4WCMX Jordan Harris Google
4F244SMY5SPZPD94K Jennifer Jimenez Google
Department Dept Code
Google GOOG
Apple AAPL
Microsoft MSFT
Amazon AMZN
cube cube_name
791745 The Midnight Serenade
692791 Starlight Dreams
568621 City of Whispers
580051 Lost in Time

Here is an overview of the raw data.1 he collects from the stock markets:

Department Dept User ID Name Cube
Google GOOG R2J0PNN64H944P26B NaN 969122
Google NaN 95F33XSJ5HEK4WCMX Jordan Harris 676021
NaN GOOG 4F244SMY5SPZPD94K Jennifer Jimenez 322610
Department Dept User ID Name STATSMART CUBE
Microsoft NaN UJHCDGW5XVREEHTJ6 Danielle Knox
Microsoft MSFT LUSH4YFM198L0T17C NaN
Department Dept User ID Name role code
Netflix NFLX 987E0H186K7MVTWMC NaN
Netflix NaN P6X9P4F89XJVX49B5 Diamond James
Department Dept User ID Name Cube Disable Flag *
Spotify NaN 81524ER47JWRG1LJ5 Aaron Brooks Y
NaN SNAP UNX8J7UK4SR394FXW Valerie Thompson Y
Department Dept User ID Name Cube Status
Slack NaN WJYSG3S324FG716B2 Mary Barry *ENABLED

Identify The Pattern

Travis is quick to find patterns in his collected raw data, he noticed that although there are empty cells about the staff name, department and department code, the staff ID is always recorded whenever transaction is performed. Of course, with the staff data on his hand, he can then learn about the stock that the staff used.

Moreover, although staff data does not tell him about the department code, but it does tell him the staff department name where he can then make reference to his checklist data for the department code. Well, he can also reference the cube code on his checklist for the name of the code.


He formulates a plan for his reporting workflows and this algorithm is able to process a majority of his datasets:

title: Algorithm1
    flowchart TD
    subgraph LOOP
        subgraph for_each_file
        direction TB
        A[Match stock market data IDs with staff data IDs] --> B[Conditional Filtering]
        B[Conditional Filtering] --> C[Update the staff name and department]
        C[Update the staff name and department] --> D[Match Department with Department Code]
        D[Match Department with Department Code] --> E[Match Cube with Cube Name]

But there are still some datasets that still not able to process by his program, so Travis decides to devise a separate algorithm for some non-routine datasets.

Some Worse Case


Real world data does not appear to be that clean, let's take a look at some non-routine cases

Inconsistent Data Entry

Travis noticed that on one of the data he collected from HKSE the name of the staff does not match with the company staff directory, for example "Muhamad Ali bin Abu" is named as "Muhamad Ali Abu"; "Lucas Den Shi Ki" is named as "Lucas Shi Ki Den". And in the dataset, there is no IDs column and only name column:

Den Shi Ki Lucas
Muhamad Ali Abu
Jef A_DriaN
Lucas Shi Ki Den
Muhamad Ali bin Abu
Jef Adrian

To resolve this, he has to rely on a metric, called the Levinshtein ratio that computes the difference between two sequences. Generally if two sequences are exactly the same, the Levinshtein ratio will be 100 and when they gradually differ more in terms of arrangement and alphabets the ratio will decrease.

What he will do then is he will match all the names in the staff data against the similar names, if the Levinshtein ratio is higher than 90, then the similar names will be replaced with the names in the staff data.

title: Algorithm2
    flowchart TD
    subgraph LOOP
        subgraph for_each_staff_name
        direction TB
        A[Compute Levinshtein ratio against all other names] --> B[Update other names if ratio > 90]
    B[Update other names if ratio > 90] --"when_done"--> C[Back to Algorithm1 but with name matching to update IDs]

Finalizing Report

Time For Export

With all the data being cleaned and labelled, Travis can now start to prepare for his reports. Since all the data are stored as one dataset, he would need to export it as individual Excel files for each stock category:

title: Algorithm3
    flowchart TD
    subgraph LOOP
    A[Filter by department] --> B[Filtered data with one department]
    B[Filtered data with one department] --> C[Export to Excel]

Now Travis gets all the files he wants, but these files are raw, he'll use VBA to add some formatting to them so that they look nice before submitting to his boss. The good news is he don't really need to do a loop to apply the macros he wrote because the macro can run on the entire specify folder:

title: Algorithm4
    flowchart TD
    A[Get folder that stores all the Excel files] --> B[Apply macros for each file]

The Output

Here is the output that Travis will get for each of his stock category:

Image title

Before using macros and after using macros


That's the end for the interesting story with Travis. Check out the next page and see the functions that powered Travis' workflows.

  1. The raw data shown are generated, and it might look clean to work with, and real world data is often messier and not well organized. The only clean data that Travis have were the staff and checklist data. 

Last update: 2023-09-07
Created: 2023-09-03