Images from Unsplash

This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how this site is set up and run.


There are a few things to prepare before your own site can be created, as follows:

After you create a GitHub account and installing the necessary software, we are ready to begin!

Website Foundations Setup

The site that we are going to create will be based on Hugo, an open-source site generators where it provides a framework for us to deploy a site with speed and ease.

To build our website, we will need to install Hugo into our local machine. The installation process will be done on Windows Terminal with the support of Go language. Of course, you can also use other language such as chocolatey, scoop and winget.

After installing go, here’s how to install Hugo on terminal:

go install -tags extended
hugo version # check if you are using the latest version

With Hugo installed in our local system, we would like to now create the foundation or framework for our website. Here I encourage you to change your directory first, preferably to \Desktop so that you can access all your files easily:

cd C:\Users\Username\Desktop
hugo new site <your_site_name> -f yml 

Now change your directory again and create a page on your website:

cd <your_site_name>
hugo new docs/

Website Theme Setup

With the site foundation ready, we now add a theme or a specific design to our site for better functionality and appearance. You can check out different theme here, but in my case we will proceed with the PaperMode theme.

Here we will use git to install the website theme:

git init
git clone themes/PaperMod --depth=1
git submodule add --depth=1 themes/PaperMod

After that, navigate to GitHub to create an empty repository and head back to terminal where we need to link up our files with the repository created. Since we are using an empty repository, we need to create a first file, usually to avoid causing any error:

echo "# Test" >>
git add
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main

If you want to see how your website look like, you can deploy your site locally using Hugo. This is a good practice to check for error and website update before deploy your site publicly. Simply click the link or type on your web browser:

hugo server

Website Deployment Workflow

Just now your were shown to deploy the site locally, now to do it publicly - meaning on the web, you need the support from GitHub workflow.

Here we will need to create an additional directory and put in some codes into it:

mkdir -p .github/workflows

After creating this directory, create a file with name deploy.yml in the workflow folder. Then navigate these two files (your can use file explorer) and put in these codes:

  • config.yml
    • After copying, change the first line baseurl: to the following format ""
copy the code from here (
  • deploy.yml
name: Publish to GH Pages
      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout source
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          submodules: true

      - name: Checkout destination
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
        if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
          ref: gh-pages
          path: built-site

      - name: Setup Hugo
        run: |
          curl -L -o /tmp/hugo.tar.gz ''
          tar -C ${RUNNER_TEMP} -zxvf /tmp/hugo.tar.gz hugo                    
      - name: Build
        run: ${RUNNER_TEMP}/hugo

      - name: Deploy
        if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
        run: |
          cp -R public/* ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/built-site/
          cd ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/built-site
          git add .
          git config 'keanteng' # change to your username
          git config '' # change to your email
          git commit -m 'Updated site'
          git push                    

Before we link up our local files with the repository, you need to create a new branch on your repository called git-pages and you need to change the setting for GitHub actions.

Change the setting here

Final Step

For the last part of the website setup, we will link up our local files with the repository created so that we can view our site online:

git status
git add .
git commit -m "site update"
git push

Now, just head to GitHub actions and click on pages build and deployment, and click on your website link on the web!

Click on the link to view your site


I would like to thank Hugo and PaperMode for empowering me with the tool and foundations to build such a beautiful and impressive site. I want to thank dhij for the wonderful tutorial on YouTube for the site set-up, I failed on numerous attempt to set up the site by looking at some blogs on Medium until I look up his video. I am inspired to make this blog as comprehensive as possible so anyone that reads it can follow successfully.